Saturday, July 21, 2012

SAT., JULY 21, 2012, REST DAY

Today I chilled. The last few days have been a little crasy, involving car wrecks and hospitals such. Everybody's healthy, happly and mostly whole, don't worry. But we chilled today. We went to see the latest Batman movie and went out for ice cream. Stay tuned for the real work coming on Monday.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mon., July 16, 2012, chest/tris

Killer pump this morning! Here's the workout:

Incline dumbell press: 30's-20; 50's-15; 70's-15; 85's-15,7
Incline hammer strength: 90-15; 140-15; 180-9
Flat dumbell press: 65's-15, 13, 10
Dips: 15, 15, 15
Rope pushdowns: 60-15; 80-15; 100-9+3+3
Seated 1-arm tri extension: 30-15, 8, 6(no rest) + 1set of pushdowns

I rested 1 minute between sets, it was a good workout.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Mr. Universe Contest

I just got back to the US. I'm glad to be home. The contest was awesome! I came in second behind an incredible Martin Daniels. I now go on to off season.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Shoulders and calves are my weakest points, so I did them today (the last day of depletion and lowest carb day)with high volume. Not as crasy intense as usual, more high rep to deplete the glycogen stores so that they will "super compensate" and hopefully really fill up when I start the carb load tommorrow. Here is the workout:
seated dumbell press: 20's-20; 35's-15; 50's-15; 65's-15; 50's-12
laterals: 15's-15; 20's-15; 25's-15; 30's-12,11
incline rear laterals: 25's-15;30's-12,12,9
hammer strength press: 90-15; 140-15; 180-8,8;90-15
barbell shrugs: bar-15; 95-15; 135-15; 185-15; 225-15; 275-10; 325-8
alternating dumbell fronts: 20's-15; 25's-15; 30's-12
I then drank a protein drink and did 30minutes on the treadmill
This afternoon:
seated calf: 50-20; 90-15,15,15,15,15;140-12,10,12,12;90-15,15
smith machine calf: 90-20; 180-15; 270-15; 180-15,15
calf press: 270-15; 360-15,13,14
+20minutes stairmaster

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thur., June 14, 2012, Arms

I got a great arm pump this afternoon. I'm looking tighter. I've been cycling carbs up and down since the pro american, but keeping them lower than I normally do on a diet. AND I CAN FEEL IT. I barely have energy to walk across the room. So I have definitely accomplished my goal (to fully deplete the glycogen stores.) I have 1 more day of depleting then I begin my carb loading, which won't be anything extreme. I plan to return carbs to normal on Sat, bump them a little on sun and mon, and return to normal on tue and depending on condition probably decrease a little through the end of the week.  That's the plan.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mon., June 11, 2012, 12 Days Out

workout 1 (6:45am)
7supersets of curls with lying triceps
5supersets of hammer curls with 1 arm extensions
4supersets of preacher curls with 1 arm reverse grip pushdowns
20min treadmill
20min posing
(9:30am)20 min stair master
workout 2(3pm)
7sets of lateral raises
3sets of arnold presses
4sets of bent rear laterals
3sets of seated dumbell presses
4sets of seated dumbell shrugs
3sets of alternating dumbell front raises
Another day in the office

Sunday, June 10, 2012


High Volume Today: 20 minute walk upon waking; Back and ab training this morning; 20minute treadmill after weights; chest this afternoon; 20minutes posing after weights...just a little closer to it.

Friday, June 8, 2012


I have been weight training 2 times a day and will continue this until the contest. The goal is to spike the metabolism a little and burn more fat. Today I had a great workout for quads this morning and did calves and hams this afternoon. Here's what it looked like:
AM- 6sets of squats; 3sets hack squats; 3sets walking lunges; 3 sets leg extensions; 20minutes treadmill; 20min. eliptical; 20min. posing
PM- 7sets calf press; 3sets seated calf; 4sets smith standing calf;   6sets seated leg curl; 4 sets DB stiffleg deadlift; 3sets lying leg curl; 10min. eliptical

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tue., June 5, 2012, BACK

I've decreased my carb intake a little bit to lose a little more fat before the Mr Universe. I am also altering my training split to increase frequency, because there is only 2 1/2 weeks until the contest and only 2 weeks to train.
Today was just back to train:
upon waking- 30 min fast paced walk
Rows: 45-20; 95-12; 135-12; 185-10; 225-10; 245-8
V-grip rows: 45-15; 90-12; 135-10; 180-10; 225-8
1-arm db rows: 75-10; 100-10,6,8
   hyperextensions: 20,20,20
   super-set with wide pull-ups: 10,10,10,10
20minutes stepmill
I did mostly rows this morning. I will do a second back workout this week with most pull-ups and pulldowns.
I will do 20 minutes of posing this afternoon and that should do it.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Mon., June 4, 2012, Chest

Again today I was out of town (in Pennsville, NJ, between on my way home.) So I got to work out at Jersey Fitness. It was great! I got to use a bunch of new equipment again.
Upon waking: 20 minutes treadmill at hotel
At Jersey Fitness:
Calf Press: 90-20, 180-15; 1-calf: 180-12,10; 90-12,8
seated calf: 90-20; 140-10,8
standing calf: 160-?; 260-12,10
seated horizontal calf: 140-12; 170-10; 140-12
incline hammer strength: 20-15; 50-10; 90-10; 180-8; 270-6; 360-7+fail
incline db press: 75's-8; 90's-8; 110's-4; 70's-12
leverage chest press: 90-12; 180-10,10,8
dips:12,10,9 +pullover:60-17+machine fly: 150-11+dips:8
20 minutes stepmill

Sun., June 3, 2012-Legs/ Begin Prep for Mr Universe

I was still out of town yesterday, which meant I visited a new gym: Gold's in Marlborough, MA.
I had to use discipline to not over do it, because there were so many different pieces of equipment.
Here's my leg day yesterday:
Upon waking: 20 minutes treadmill at the hotel
At Gold's:
Squat: 45-20; 135-20; 225-20; 315-20
Leg press: 360-12; 540-10; 720-10
Cybex leg press: 270-10; 540-10; 630-12
Vertical leg press: 180-10; 360-12
Machine leverage squat: 200-6,6,10
Lying leg curl: 80-15; 95-12; 115-?   super-set  leg extension: 85-20,15,?
Stand leg curl: 60-10; 75-10,10
Seated leg curl: 115-10,10,10
10 minutes treadmill
It was an excellent workout. I stayed away from total failure, because my hams were sore from the contest the day before. But THEY WERE PUMPED!

After driving all afternoon: 10 minutes eliptical at hotel.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


It was a great contest! There were a lot of incredible competitors! And the show was run pretty well. I came in second place in the heavy weight division to Fransisco Monteleagre, who is an awesome athlete with amazing shape... and he BROUGHT  the condition!
I hope ya'll continue to follow as I now set my sights on the Mr Universe on June 23, to bring a better package to the stage!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wed., May 30, 2012, Last Workout

I got in a great shoulder workout this morning. It was my last workout before the contest. Now I just heal, recover, and fill out. Tomorrow morning I will leave bright and early for MA. I am pumped!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tue., May 29, 2012, Depletion

I am not doing an extreme depletion for this contest as I plan on doing the Mr Universe 3 weeks after and don't want to mess my self up to bad. So, I am cutting my carb intake by 1/3 and making the calories up in protein and fat so as not to shrink. I will do this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and on Friday I will take it back to normal to "fill out." I am feeling depleted, and looking ripped, so the plan is doing its job. My breakdown of macros: normal- 270g protein, 300g carb, and 45g fat/ during depletion- 345g protein, 200g carb, and 55g fat.

As far as workouts: I have cut the intensity a bit this week, so I don't tear my self up to much before the contest. But I have bumped up the volume a little and I'm still hitting failure on several sets. I am sore.
On Saturday I did legs, Sunday back, Monday chest, today arms, and tomorrow will be shoulders. I have hit abs with 5-8 sets every day. Thursday and Friday will be rest days....and Saturday is the contest. ALMOST THERE!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012, Rest

Today is my rest day. Tomorrow I begin my last muscle group split: I will do legs Saturday 1 week out; back Sunday; chest Monday; arms Tuesday; and shoulders Wednesday if every thing goes according to plan. Thursday I plan on doing a light cardio session after the 12 hour drive to MA, and nothing at all on Friday, maybe I'll watch a movie.....
The workouts this week will not be quite as intense, but more to feel the muscle and bring out more definition. And No I am not doing all sets of 20 or more....that is a myth! I will do mostly sets of 10-12 reps, and put some weight on the muscle, which is Really what brings out definition.
I am Pumped.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thur., May 24, 2012, Shoulders

10 minutes stepmill
Seated dumbell press: 20's-20; 35's-15; 50's-15; 65's-12; 80's-6
incline rear lateral raise: 25's-12; 35's-12; 45's-9; 35's-10
lateral raise: 20's-12; 25's-12; 30's-12; 35's-8
hammer strength press: 180-12,12
alternating dumbell front raise: 30's-10,10,10
shrugs: 45-15; 135-15; 225-15; 315-10
20 minutes stepmill
hanging leg raise: 20, 20, 20
bosu ball crunch: 17,20

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wed., May 23, 2012, Arms

It seems like I trained my arms yesterday! But, it's arm day again. I did a very fast paced workout to force more blood in the muscles. It was good. Here is what I did:
Push downs to warm the elbows
5 super sets of Alternating dumbell curs with lying triceps extensions
3 super sets of hammer curls with 1-arm overhead extensions
3 sets 1-arm concentration curls(back and forth with no rest)
3 sets 1-arm under grip dumbell cross-face extensions (back and forth with no rest)
3 super sets cable curls with pushdowns....they were pumped.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

TUE, MAY 22, 2012, BACK

Back day.... Great workout! I did some volume, about 20 sets total: 6sets rows, 3sets wide pullups, 4sets V-grip T-bar rows, 2sets close pulldowns, 3 sets wide behind the neck pulldowns, and 5sets hypers between exercises.....pumped!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Mon., May 21,2012, chest

I got a great chest workout in this morning. I've maintained most of my strength for chest, which is very encouraging as I close in on the show and drop in weight. I only have one more chest workout left! It is almost Here.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sun., May 20, 2012, REST DAY

Yesterday (Saturday) was leg day. I got a good workout, though I felt weak and my lower back was sore. I met some major goals upon waking: my waist is 29" (which for me means I am ready to get on stage) and I weigh 171 1/2lb (which is right where I was when I won the World Championships last year, but I am tighter!) So I am very happy with progress and excited about the INBF PRO AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2 weeks from yesterday.
I also catered most of the day and into the night with Red Sky Cafe yesterday. So I burned some serious calories. I did take in an extra 150g of quality carbs and elyctrolyte replacement to make sure no to burn aminos for fuel.


Friday, May 18, 2012


Shoulders this morning... went very well...all basics: seated dumbell press; dumbell laterals; incline dumbell rear laterals; dumbell fronts; Hammer Strength press; and barbell shrugs... did the job nicely, along with 20 minutes on the stair master and 20 minutes of posing I'm 1 step closer to the goal!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thur., May 17, 2012, Arm Day

There is no question: arm day is the easiest day. That doesn't make it easy, but it is a lot less stress on the whole body. 
I got a great arm workout in this afternoon.

Here's a little update on diet (what I ate yesterday):
meal 1- 1 1/8cup egg white; 1c oatmeal
meal 2- 5oz chicken breast; 25g whey isolate (pre-workout)
post workout- 40 whey protein; 1/2 hour later 1c white rice
meal 3- 5oz chicken breast; 1c white rice; apple
meal 4- 6oz chicken breast; banana
meal 5-  5oz chicken breast
meal 6- 4oz chicken breast; 1c white rice; vegetables; orange

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wed., May 16, 2012, Back

I got an excellent back pump this morning:

Warm with pulldowns: 70-20; 120-10
wide pull ups: 8; 45lb-8; 90lb-8; 45lb-7; 8
under-grip rows: 135-10; 185-10; 235-11
close pulldowns: 180-12; 210-8; 255-6
T-bar rows: 90-12; 135-8,7
double D handle seated rows: 150-10,8,10
    ... super-set with behind the neck pulldowns: 120-10,6; 105-13

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tue, May 15, 2012, chest

I did a good chest workout this afternoon.
I have been burning more calories than usual the past couple weeks so I have increased my carb intake to around 400g a day (where it had been 300-350) and looking more ripped than ever!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mon., May, 14Legs

I had a killer legs workout this afternoon.
Squats; lunges; leg press; seated, standing and lying leg curls very thing a growing boy needs.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fri. May 11, 2012, Arms

Here is the workout I did this morning:
crunches on bosu ball: 30, 20, 20
kneeling rope crunch: 130-10; 150-10; 170-8
vaccuum poses
rope pushdowns (warm up): 50-30; 70-12
lying triceps extension: 50-15; 70-12; 90-6; 110-14
1-arm machine extension: 110-13,8; 95-7
lying 1-arm cross-face reverse grip extension: 20-15, 10, 8
pushdowns: 150-12     (drank some whey protein)
20 minutes stepmill
20 minutes posing
This whole workout took about an hour and 20 minutes.
I will go back to the gym this afternoon to get biceps.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WED, MAY 9, 2012

I trained my chest and abs and did 20 minutes on the stepmill this morning. Afterward I was pumped and vascular! I did 20 minutes posing this afternoon and I still have a calf workout to do.

This was my diet yesterday, for all curious:
meal 1- 1 1/8cup egg white; 1cup oatmeal; apple
meal2- 5oz chicken breast; 1cup white rice; 25g whey isolate w/ 18g maltodextrin
postworkout- 50g whey protein
meal 3- 5oz chicken breast; 1 grape fruit; 300g sweet potato
meal 4- 5oz chicken breast; 1cup white rice; 10 almonds
meal 5- 6 oz chicken breast; 1 cup wild rice; asparagus
meal 6- 5oz chicken breast; 1 tbs natural peanut butter

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tue., May 8, 2012, Legs!

I had a great workout this morning:
Squats: 45pounds for 20reps; 135-10; 225-10;315-10; 405lb- 8reps
Leg press: 450-10; 630-10; 950-10
Alternating Smith Machine Lunges: 90-10; 140-10; 140-10
Leg curl: 90-12, 10, 9
  s/s leg extensions: 120-20, 15; 90-20
Stand 1- leg curl: 60-12, 10, 9
Hyper extension: 10; 10
25 minutes treadmill
Leg raises: 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 + 100 twists with broom stick

Monday, May 7, 2012

5/04-5/07 CRAZY LIFE!

I have been helping a client through his first bodybuilding contest. It was fun! He did great. I have just not had a whole lot of spare time. BUT: I have not missed a workout, a cardio session or a meal, so do not worry, I am on schedule. This morning my waist is 29 1/4" and I'm wieghing 174. With just under 4 weeks to go I am confident. I can hardly wait to get on stage now.   
Legs tomorrow....yippee kay ya.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thur., May 3, 2012, Chest

I had a very crammed morning today with my training and training others. I ended up having only 20 minutes to train my chest. It was an awesome pump though. If you want it bad enough you can get it:
Incline Hammer Strength press: 10pounds- 20 reps; 50-12; 90-10; 180-8;270-6; 360-6
incline dumbell press: 100's- 9
flat dumbell: 80's- 13
pullover: 80- 11
crossover: 80-12 + dips: 8,10,8
Very little rest. Chest was trembling afterwards.

I got 20 minutes in on the stepmill earlier and 20 minutes of posing + abs late this afternoon.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wed., May 2, 2012, Legs

Wow. It was a long day today:
4:30- Whey Protein
5:30- chicken; rice; apple
7-  5sets squats;3sets leg press; 3sets lunges; 3sets hack squats; 15 minutes treadmill
7:50-whey protein
10:50-chicken; sweet potatoe
12:30- 20 minutes posing
1-chicken; sweet potato
2:30- 6sets calf presses; 3 sets smith machine calf raises; 3 sets seated calf; 5sets seated leg curls; 3sets lying leg curls;3 sets standing 1 leg curls; 10 minutes stepmill
3:45-chicken; sweet potato; electrolyte drink
6:45- chicken; sweet potato

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


This morning I got a great shoulder workout. I started with seated behind the neck presses, which i have not done in a while, and they felt good. I kept the reps a little higher (10-15), really trying to pump the blood in the muscle. Veins were popping like crazy. My waist is also tightening up nicely. I am confident that I will beat my conditioning at last years World Championships.
A little different than usual: I went for a walk this morning before meal #1 for my cardio.
The same: 20 minutes posing, 2900calories, sweet potatos, chicken, chicken chicken.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sun., Ap. 29,2012, Back

Good back workout this morning. I had a lot to do today. One of my clients a I did a healthy cooking demo. It went very well.
This was my workout this morning:
 5 sets of Rows
4 sets of Wide Pull Ups
2 sets of Seated Rows
3 sets of T-Bar Rows
3 sets of Double D Pulldowns
2 sets of Hyperextensions
20 minutes on the treadmill

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fri., April 27, 2012, Chest

Great chest workout this morning!
 ....My legs are SORE from yesterdays' leg workout, which tells me I may not be walking very much tomorrow.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thur., Ap. 26, 2012, Leg Day

I'm feeling good. I seem to be progressing nicely. I really pushed it today on my leg workout. It was killer!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wed., Ap. 25, 2012, Shoulders

I had a good shoulder workout this morning. I've really been trying to focus on feeling the delts flexing on all my moves, not so much on the weight- though I have actually added some weight and reps recently...gettin better!

Here is a sample of what my diet has been like, it's what I ate yesterday:
meal 1- 5oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal; apple
meal 2- 5oz chicken breast; 150g sweet potato
meal 3- 5oz chicken breast; 150g sweet potato
(Postworkout) 40g Whey Protein
meal 4- 5oz chicken breast; 300g sweet potato
meal 5- 5oz chicken breast; 1c white rice; 1c fat-free refried beans, salsa, spinach
meal 6- 5oz chicken breast; 2 tbs sunflower seeds
....I think the world may run out of chickens soon.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tue, April 24, 2012, Arms

Got a killer arm pump this morning:

Alternating dumbell curl: 10's-20; 20's-10; 30's-10; 40's-6; 50's-13; 40's-9
s/s skull crushers:             30-20;   50- 15;   70-12;    90-6; 110-13;  90-10

Concentration curls: 60-6,6; 40-10

1arm reverse pushdowns: 70-13,8; 50-10

Seated hammer curls: 50's-6; 30's-13
s/s seated overhead extensions: 100-12,8

1arm preacher curl: 30-?  /   1arm seated extensions: 30-?

Cable curls: 100-15,9
s/s pushdowns: 100-15,9


Good back pump in the am along with 20 minutes on the stepmill, 20 minutes posing and a full ab workout. In the afternoon I did 13 set for my calves (if they won't grow the suckers will at least be ripped) and 20 minutes on the treadmill. Sunday was an extra day of rest I thought was needed, so I did an extra cardio session.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

6 Weeks Out From the Mr America

Today is 6 six weeks from the show. I am right on track. My waist is shrinking nicely(at 29 3/4".) My weight is good (176lb,) though the weight doesn't really matter it's what you look like that matters, but weight is a guage of progress. I'm looking sharper all the time.
I got an excellent chest workout this morning:
Incline HS Press:20lb-18reps; 50-10; 90-10; 180-8;270-6; 360-9
Machine fly: 150-15;170-12;190-9
Flat dumbell press: 65's- 12; 80's- 9
Pullovers: 75-13
Incline dumbell press: 100's- 7

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fri., Ap. 20, 2012 LEGS

KILLER  leg workout this morning. Pushing it hard. Working for more details and nitches in the muscles.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wed., Ap. 18, 2012, Shoulders

My day in a nut shell:
4:20am wake up, hit knees and pray for help.
5:25meal 1-5oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal; apple
6-7 personal training
7 train calves/ 20min stepmill
7:45meal 2- 5oz chicken breast; 350g sweet potato
8-10 personal training
10 train shoulder
10:40 drink 40g whey protein; 10 min treadmill; train abs; 20min posing
11:45meal 3- 6oz chicken breast; 200g sweet potato; electrolyte drink; apple
12-4 moving furniture for the Pathways yard sale this saturday (come support the ministry)
somewhere in there-meal 4- 5oz chicken breast; 300g sweet potato
4-5 pt
5 meal 5- 4oz chicken breast; 3eggs; 1 potato; broccoli.......
8:30-I'm about to eat another big protein meal and go to bed.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tu., Ap. 17, 2012

I got a great arm pump this morning. Only 8 working super-sets for bis and tris, not too much not to little, just right:

2 s/s alternating dumbell curls /w lying triceps extensions
3 s/s preacher curls /w pushdowns
3 s/s seated hammer curls /w seated 1-arm extensions

Monday, April 16, 2012

Good workout, good pump, Cardio, posing, 300g protein, 300g carbs, 50g fat- 3000 calories....another day in the office.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sat., Ap. 14, 2012, 7 Weeks Out!

LEGS today! Today is also the very day that 5 years ago I became the second teenager to win the NPC North Carolina State Championships (Saturday, April 14, 2007.)
My waist is down to 29 3/4" at 178lb (same waist measure at 1 pound heavier than I was 7weeks out from the World Championships....Right on)
Killer leg workout this morning....just about puked:
Few minutes warm up on stationary bike and light leg curls and leg extensions
Squats: 45-20; 135-10; 225-10; 315-10; 365-10; 365-10
Leg press: 450-15; 720-10; 900-9
Leg curl: 90-22,12,9   super set w/ leg extensions: 120-20,12,9 --no rest
Standing leg curls: 90-6; 60-9
Alternating lunges: 95-7
20minutes treadmill

Friday the 13th, April, 2012, Rest


Meal 1:  5oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal
Meal 2: Whey protein and glutamine; 1cup oatmeal
Meal 3: 5oz chicken breast; white potato; banana
Meal 4: 5oz chicken breast; sweet potato
Meal 5: 5oz chicken breast; 1cup wild rice; asparagus
Meal 6: 5oz chicken breast

Friday, April 13, 2012

Thur., April 12, 2012, Shoulders/ Calves

Killer delt pump this morning. I had a separate workout for calves this afternoon. I intended on doing more volume, but I struggle with over doing my calves because they are such a weak piont for me. I started feeling a little ding in my left calf and called it a day. But I still got a good pump.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wed., Ap. 11, 2012, Arms

I had an excellent arm workout this morning. Proof that  you cannot always "listen to your body," because if I had this morning, I would have left the gym as soon as I finished with my clients and gone to bed! But Alas: "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment."  and "Discipline, not motivation, is neccessary to achieve what you want to achieve." To be a champion one must live in the moment and do what is neccessary for success.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tue., Ap. 10, 2012, Back

Got an excellent back workout this morning: rows, T-bars, wide pulldowns, close underhand pulldowns, and hyper-extensions; abs w/ hanging leg raises, bosu crunches, torso twists, and vaccuums; 20 minutes stepmill; 20 minutes posing....that'll do.

Mon., April 9, 2012, Chest

I had a great chest workout today. I am definitely getting my strength back.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sun., 4/ 09/ 12, REST (happy Easter)

8am- 5oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal; 1tsp honey; 1/4cup raisins
10:30- 5oz chicken breast; sweet potato; apple
1:30- 5oz chicken breast; 1c grits; banana
3:30- 5oz chicken breast; sweet potato; apple
6:30- 8oz pork loin; potato; squash; sweet potato; orange (happy Easter)
10:15- 5oz chicken breast

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I'm definitely a little weaker after haveing been sick. I did get a GREAT leg workout in though. Still not maximum intensity, but an excellent workout:
Warm up  on stationary bike; light leg extensions and leg curls
Squats: 45lb 20reps; 135-8; 225-6; 315-4; 365-12
Leg press: 450-15; 630-12; 840-8
Lying Leg curl:90-15/leg ex:120-20/seated leg curl:120-11/leg ex:90-20/lying leg curl:90-8/leg ex:90-15/seated leg curl:120-5+3+2      (no rest)
Alternating Lunges: 95-13

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fri., April 6, 2012, Shoulders

I had an excellent shoulder workout this morning:
3 working sets of seated db presses
3 sets of db laterals
3 sets of machine rear laterals
3 sets of hammer strength shoulder presses
3 sets of barbell shrugs
1 set of alternating db front raises

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5, 2012, Arms

Got my arms, cardio and abs all in early this morning. It was a great workout. I'm keeping the intensity lower than usual this week (only a few sets to all out failure) having been sick last week.

Here is what I ate:

5:45am- 6oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal; 1 apple
8:15(post workout)-40g whey isolate
9:45-6oz chicken breast; 100g sweet potato; 1 orange; shaklee electrolyte drink
12- 6oz chicken breast; 1cup grits; 1 apple
3-6oz chicken breast; 1cup grits; 2oz peanuts
5:30- 7oz chicken breast; 1cup corn
7:30- 6oz chicken breast

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tue., April 3, 2012, Back

Got a great pump in my back this afternoon. Here is my workout:
bent over rows: 45 lb. 30reps; 95- 25; 135- 12; 185- 12; 225- 10, 6
wide- pull-ups: 8, 8, 7
T-bar rows: 90- 15; 135- 8; 180-3(sad); 90- 13
close- under hand pulldowns: 195-10;195-9;180-8 super-set(no rest) w/ behind-neck-wide pulldowns:135 -6; 120-6; 105-7
Hanging leg raises: 20;20;20 + 50 crunches
Immediately drank 60g whey isolate and did 20 minutes on the stepmill.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Mon., Ap. 2, 2012, Chest

I'm feeling good today. Got a good workout in this morning: started with calves, burned them out; then hit chest, excellant pump; immediately jumped on the stepmill for 20 minutes; and finished it off with abs. I still have 20 minutes of posing ahead of me which I will do at about 3pm, and boom another day of training!...that much closer.

Sunday, April 1, 2012, The Flu

I had a stomach bug for 5 days. I was unable to train or eat much. Lost 5 pounds. But I survived. Did my 1st workout: Legs. Took it pretty easy, not to crazy.  Energy level was low.
It's a little discouraging to lose ground 9 weeks away from the Mr America contest, but I'm standing on Romans 8:28- And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wed., Mar. 28, 2012

Taking another rest day or recovery day today. Yesterday morning my stomache started bothering me. I'm not sure if it was a bug or what, but I felt nausiated all day. I couldn't eat very much. Today I'm better, but not 100%. I'm not going to squat half nausiated would be a lousy workout and a sure puke.
I'm getting some food in my system, but not as much as normal.....we'll see about tommorrow.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tue., Mar. 27, 2012, Rest Day

No workout today. Just recovery. Plenty of clean calories.

The reason most people fail instead of succeed is they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mon., Mar. 26, 2012

Abs, Calves, 20 minutes Stemill, Shoulders, and 20 minutes Posing all this morning.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sun., Mar. 25, 2012, FOOD

MEAL #1- 5oz chicken breast;1cup oatmeal
#2- (post workout) 60g whey isolate
#3- 5oz chicken breast; 400g sweet potato
#4- 5oz chicken breast; 200g sweet potato; 1apple; spinach salad 1 tbsp oil
#5- 5oz chicken breast; 2cups white rice; 12 almonds
#6- 5oz chicken breast; 1cup white rice; spinach salad 1 tsp oil

And again I'm about to do 20 minutes of posing half an hour before bed.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sat., Mar. 24, 2012, Back

Today my hamstrings hurt so bad it is ridiculous!....GOOD LEG WORK OUT on Wednesday!
I stuggled with bent over rows for back, because of extreme soreness in hams; so I only did 1 set barbell row and 3 sets DB rows then did pull ups, close pulldowns, and T-bar rows....good workout.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fri., Mar. 23, 2012

20 minutes cardio 1st thing; chest late AM with 20 minutes posing; calve this evening. Getting closer every day.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thur., Mar. 22, 2012, LEG DAY!

Today was a pretty hard leg day.This is what I did:
10minutes stepmill
Light leg extension and leg curl (3 super sets)
Squat: 45lb 20rep; 95- 10;135-10; 225-10;315-5;365-18+fail
Leg press: 450-10; 720-17
Walking DB lunges: 100's up ramp
Bar forward lunge:95-?
1-leg press: 180-12
Seated leg curl:110-20;125-9;125-9
Lyin leg curl:120-6; 90-9;90-9   super set w/ leg extension:135-13; ?;?
Walking DB lunge: 100's almost all the down the ramp
Stretched; Drank 60g whey isolate; did 20 minutes on the treadmill

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tue., Mar. 20, 2012, Delt Day Food

Meal # 1- 5oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal; 1 grapefruit
Meal # 2- (post workout) 60g whey isolate
Meal # 4- 6oz chicken breast; 2cups brown rice; spinach; 3/4cup italian sauce
Meal # 5- 5oz chicken breast
Meal # 6- 5oz chicken breast; 1 1/2 cup brown rice; 1cup black beans; 1/2 avocado; 2tbs salsa
Meal # 7- 5oz chicken breast

Monday, March 19, 2012

Mon., Mar. 19, 2012, Arms

I did cardio 1st thing this morning; then worked triceps, abs and posed 20 minutes; and did my biceps this afternoon.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sun., Mar. 18, 2012

Back today. Good pump. Started with rows; then close pulldowns; then v-grip rows; and finished with behind the neck pulldowns-7 sets 30 seconds rest between sets; did hypers between all exercises.
20 minutes cardio, 20 minutes posing and abs.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sat., Mar. 17, 2012.

Getting Stronger! Got 1 more rep than last week, same exercise, same weight.
This morning I did something a little different for calves: all 21's (21's is a technique to fill the muscle with blood. Start with 7 reps of any exercise in the bottom half range of motion; then do 7 reps in the top half range; and finally 7 reps full range...21 total.)I did 11 total sets of 21's, 8 on the leg press and 3 on the seated calf. Then moved on to chest......good workout... Then 20 minutes cardio.... Then abs... Then 20 minutes of posing......Yee-Ha.

Friday, March 16, 2012

I had an excellent leg workout today. I did quads and hams together; 20 minutes of cardio; ab and lower back work; and 20 minutes posing this afternoon.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Levi's Food Prep

Wed., Mar. 14, 2012, Shoulders

I got an incredible shoulder workout this morning: started with behind the neck presses using 10x10 method, then did 2sets of machine lateral raises with a dropset on the end, next 3 sets machine rear laterals with rest-pauses and went immediately to db front raises (just 1 set) and finished with seated db shrugs-2warm ups and 1 all out set plus rest pause. I dank 60g whey isolate and did 20 minutes on the stepmill and 20 minutes of posing. And just abs left for this afternoon.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tue., Mar. 13, 2012

Arm Day! I always look forward to arm day. It is so much easier to train bi's and tri's than legs or back. Not that I'm lazy on arm day, but it almost seems like a break sometimes.
Excellent pump in the bi's this morning: I did 16total work sets incorporating Hany Rambod's Fst-7 principle (doing 7 sets with minimal rest for the last exercise)
Equally excellent pump in the tri's this afternoon: only 8 working sets using drop sets and partials to take it beyond failure.
Normal 20 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of posing.
Totalled: 285g protein; 365g carb and 58g fat

Monday, March 12, 2012

Mon., Mar. 12, 2012, Back and Calves

I got an excellent calf workout today. I also got a good back pump, did 20 minutes of cardio, abs, and 20 minutes of posing.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sun., Mar. 11, 2012, Chest Day

Today I trained my chest, did 20minutes of cardio, and 20 minutes posing practice. I'm feeling good. I actually gained another rep on this exercise (the incline hammer strength) and on a few others...feeling strong.

Sat., Mar. 10, 2012, Legs (Out of Town)

I trained my legs a The Fitness Warehouse in Elizabeth City, NC.
I got an excellent workout: 4 sets of squats (1 to total failure); 4sets of Hammer Strength leg presses (1 to total failure); 1 set of hack squats to failure; 3 sets of leverage machine squats (1 to total failure); 1set of smith machine lunges to failure; 3 super-sets of seated leg curls and leg extensions; drank 60g whey isolate; 20 minutes treadmill; and 3super-sets of hanging leg raises and machine crunches.
I was drenched in sweat and could barely walk down the stairs to leave....Another good day at the office!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Fri., Mar. 9, 2012

Today is a rest day. I'm eating plenty of quality nutrients in preparation for tomorrow: Leg Day.
I'll be visiting a different gym, because I am going out of town, so that will be cool. I am always excited to play with new equipment.

The flavorfull meal today was:   8oz salmon; 1 1/2cup wild rice; was good.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thur., Mar. 8, 2012

Today I did shoulders, calves, abs, 20 minutes cardio and 20 min posing. Got an excellent shoulder pump using 10x10 (use a weight that you can get 20 reps with, but do 10 sets of 10 reps with 30-45 seconds rest between sets) on seated behind the neck presses.

And this is what I ate today:

5:30am 6oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal
8 (post-workout) 60g whey protein isolate
8:45 5oz chicken breast; medium sweet potatoe
11:30 6oz chicken breast; 1 1/2cup white rice; 1/2 orange
2:30 5oz chicken breast; medium sweet potatoe
5 4oz chicken breast; 1tbsp natural peanut butter
7 8oz 93% lean ground beef, 1/2can tomatoes and green chiles, 1/2can mushrooms, 1 1/2cup brown rice

Totalled: 280g protein, 330g carb, and 52g fat.

Wed., Mar. 7, 2012, PM Workout

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I had an excellent back workout this morning. I also did my 20 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes posing practice and ab work. I got in a lot more calories today. My last meal I ate at Texas Roadhouse and had a ribeye. It was good. Totalled about 305g protein, 330g carb, and 105g fat today (extra 40g fat.) Back to normal tomorrow.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Today I trained my chest this morning and did 20 minutes of posing, trained abs and calves and did 20minutes of cardio this afternoon. Ate 7 times got 290g protein, 275g carb, and 51g fat- a little low which means I'll eat a little more tomorrow. It's past my bedtime so enjoy this calf workout and have a good night.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sun., Mar. 4, 2012, Legs

Yesterday was my first rest day during this contest prep. I ate and rested.
Today was good. I trained my thighs, did 20 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of posing. Here is a little clip from todays workout.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Fri., Mar. 2,2012

Today I complete my first body split: day 1 legs; day 2 chest am, calves pm; day 3 hamstrings am, back pm; day 4 arms; day 5 shoulders am, calves pm. Abs every day, 20 min cardio every day, and 20 min posing practice every day.
Average: 295g protein, 325g carb, and 60g fat a day.
Feeling good.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thur., Mar. 1, 2012

This is a sample of my diet, it is what I ate today:
4:30am- chicken breast; 1c oatmeal; 1apple; sunflower seeds
7- chicken breast; 1c white rice
9- chicken breast; 1/2c oatmeal
(9:45- work out)
10:30- post workout whey protein isolate
(20 min cardio; ab work)
11- shaklee physique
12:30- chicken breast; 1 orange
2- chicken breast; 1/2c oatmeal; electrolyte replacement drin (shaklee performance)
5- chicken brest; 1c brown rice; broccolli; sunflower seeds
7:45- 1tbs natural peanut butter; cinch protein shake

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leg day

Legs on Monday with my buddy Sonny Macaranas who is prepping for an OCB contest in May.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday Week 1 Chest and Calves

Today was a busy day. I trained several people and did a PE class for a homeschool group. I also trained my chest, abs and calves, did 20 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of posing practice.

Monday, February 27, 2012

2011 INBF World Championship (My Shape to Beat)

Time to Get Started

Hey! My name is Levi Burge. I won the 2011 INBF WORLD BODYBUILDING  CHAMPIONSHIPS, which qualified me as a WNBF Pro. I plan to make my pro debut at the Natural North American Championships in Arlington, VA on May 19. My main focus though is the Mr. America in Marlborough, MA on June 2. I plan to follow that with the Mr. Universe contest in Barbados on June 23. I have a lot planned, and with 12 weeks from my 1st, 14 weeks from my 2nd and 17 weeks from my finale, I have a lot of work to do! Stay tuned to see what I'm eating, how I'm training and what I'm looking like.