Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sat., Ap. 14, 2012, 7 Weeks Out!

LEGS today! Today is also the very day that 5 years ago I became the second teenager to win the NPC North Carolina State Championships (Saturday, April 14, 2007.)
My waist is down to 29 3/4" at 178lb (same waist measure at 1 pound heavier than I was 7weeks out from the World Championships....Right on)
Killer leg workout this morning....just about puked:
Few minutes warm up on stationary bike and light leg curls and leg extensions
Squats: 45-20; 135-10; 225-10; 315-10; 365-10; 365-10
Leg press: 450-15; 720-10; 900-9
Leg curl: 90-22,12,9   super set w/ leg extensions: 120-20,12,9 --no rest
Standing leg curls: 90-6; 60-9
Alternating lunges: 95-7
20minutes treadmill

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