Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wed., Ap. 18, 2012, Shoulders

My day in a nut shell:
4:20am wake up, hit knees and pray for help.
5:25meal 1-5oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal; apple
6-7 personal training
7 train calves/ 20min stepmill
7:45meal 2- 5oz chicken breast; 350g sweet potato
8-10 personal training
10 train shoulder
10:40 drink 40g whey protein; 10 min treadmill; train abs; 20min posing
11:45meal 3- 6oz chicken breast; 200g sweet potato; electrolyte drink; apple
12-4 moving furniture for the Pathways yard sale this saturday (come support the ministry)
somewhere in there-meal 4- 5oz chicken breast; 300g sweet potato
4-5 pt
5 meal 5- 4oz chicken breast; 3eggs; 1 potato; broccoli.......
8:30-I'm about to eat another big protein meal and go to bed.

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