Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tue., April 3, 2012, Back

Got a great pump in my back this afternoon. Here is my workout:
bent over rows: 45 lb. 30reps; 95- 25; 135- 12; 185- 12; 225- 10, 6
wide- pull-ups: 8, 8, 7
T-bar rows: 90- 15; 135- 8; 180-3(sad); 90- 13
close- under hand pulldowns: 195-10;195-9;180-8 super-set(no rest) w/ behind-neck-wide pulldowns:135 -6; 120-6; 105-7
Hanging leg raises: 20;20;20 + 50 crunches
Immediately drank 60g whey isolate and did 20 minutes on the stepmill.

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