Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tue., May 29, 2012, Depletion

I am not doing an extreme depletion for this contest as I plan on doing the Mr Universe 3 weeks after and don't want to mess my self up to bad. So, I am cutting my carb intake by 1/3 and making the calories up in protein and fat so as not to shrink. I will do this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and on Friday I will take it back to normal to "fill out." I am feeling depleted, and looking ripped, so the plan is doing its job. My breakdown of macros: normal- 270g protein, 300g carb, and 45g fat/ during depletion- 345g protein, 200g carb, and 55g fat.

As far as workouts: I have cut the intensity a bit this week, so I don't tear my self up to much before the contest. But I have bumped up the volume a little and I'm still hitting failure on several sets. I am sore.
On Saturday I did legs, Sunday back, Monday chest, today arms, and tomorrow will be shoulders. I have hit abs with 5-8 sets every day. Thursday and Friday will be rest days....and Saturday is the contest. ALMOST THERE!

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