Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tue., June 5, 2012, BACK

I've decreased my carb intake a little bit to lose a little more fat before the Mr Universe. I am also altering my training split to increase frequency, because there is only 2 1/2 weeks until the contest and only 2 weeks to train.
Today was just back to train:
upon waking- 30 min fast paced walk
Rows: 45-20; 95-12; 135-12; 185-10; 225-10; 245-8
V-grip rows: 45-15; 90-12; 135-10; 180-10; 225-8
1-arm db rows: 75-10; 100-10,6,8
   hyperextensions: 20,20,20
   super-set with wide pull-ups: 10,10,10,10
20minutes stepmill
I did mostly rows this morning. I will do a second back workout this week with most pull-ups and pulldowns.
I will do 20 minutes of posing this afternoon and that should do it.

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