Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sun., Ap. 29,2012, Back

Good back workout this morning. I had a lot to do today. One of my clients a I did a healthy cooking demo. It went very well.
This was my workout this morning:
 5 sets of Rows
4 sets of Wide Pull Ups
2 sets of Seated Rows
3 sets of T-Bar Rows
3 sets of Double D Pulldowns
2 sets of Hyperextensions
20 minutes on the treadmill

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fri., April 27, 2012, Chest

Great chest workout this morning!
 ....My legs are SORE from yesterdays' leg workout, which tells me I may not be walking very much tomorrow.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thur., Ap. 26, 2012, Leg Day

I'm feeling good. I seem to be progressing nicely. I really pushed it today on my leg workout. It was killer!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wed., Ap. 25, 2012, Shoulders

I had a good shoulder workout this morning. I've really been trying to focus on feeling the delts flexing on all my moves, not so much on the weight- though I have actually added some weight and reps recently...gettin better!

Here is a sample of what my diet has been like, it's what I ate yesterday:
meal 1- 5oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal; apple
meal 2- 5oz chicken breast; 150g sweet potato
meal 3- 5oz chicken breast; 150g sweet potato
(Postworkout) 40g Whey Protein
meal 4- 5oz chicken breast; 300g sweet potato
meal 5- 5oz chicken breast; 1c white rice; 1c fat-free refried beans, salsa, spinach
meal 6- 5oz chicken breast; 2 tbs sunflower seeds
....I think the world may run out of chickens soon.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tue, April 24, 2012, Arms

Got a killer arm pump this morning:

Alternating dumbell curl: 10's-20; 20's-10; 30's-10; 40's-6; 50's-13; 40's-9
s/s skull crushers:             30-20;   50- 15;   70-12;    90-6; 110-13;  90-10

Concentration curls: 60-6,6; 40-10

1arm reverse pushdowns: 70-13,8; 50-10

Seated hammer curls: 50's-6; 30's-13
s/s seated overhead extensions: 100-12,8

1arm preacher curl: 30-?  /   1arm seated extensions: 30-?

Cable curls: 100-15,9
s/s pushdowns: 100-15,9


Good back pump in the am along with 20 minutes on the stepmill, 20 minutes posing and a full ab workout. In the afternoon I did 13 set for my calves (if they won't grow the suckers will at least be ripped) and 20 minutes on the treadmill. Sunday was an extra day of rest I thought was needed, so I did an extra cardio session.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

6 Weeks Out From the Mr America

Today is 6 six weeks from the show. I am right on track. My waist is shrinking nicely(at 29 3/4".) My weight is good (176lb,) though the weight doesn't really matter it's what you look like that matters, but weight is a guage of progress. I'm looking sharper all the time.
I got an excellent chest workout this morning:
Incline HS Press:20lb-18reps; 50-10; 90-10; 180-8;270-6; 360-9
Machine fly: 150-15;170-12;190-9
Flat dumbell press: 65's- 12; 80's- 9
Pullovers: 75-13
Incline dumbell press: 100's- 7

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fri., Ap. 20, 2012 LEGS

KILLER  leg workout this morning. Pushing it hard. Working for more details and nitches in the muscles.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wed., Ap. 18, 2012, Shoulders

My day in a nut shell:
4:20am wake up, hit knees and pray for help.
5:25meal 1-5oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal; apple
6-7 personal training
7 train calves/ 20min stepmill
7:45meal 2- 5oz chicken breast; 350g sweet potato
8-10 personal training
10 train shoulder
10:40 drink 40g whey protein; 10 min treadmill; train abs; 20min posing
11:45meal 3- 6oz chicken breast; 200g sweet potato; electrolyte drink; apple
12-4 moving furniture for the Pathways yard sale this saturday (come support the ministry)
somewhere in there-meal 4- 5oz chicken breast; 300g sweet potato
4-5 pt
5 meal 5- 4oz chicken breast; 3eggs; 1 potato; broccoli.......
8:30-I'm about to eat another big protein meal and go to bed.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tu., Ap. 17, 2012

I got a great arm pump this morning. Only 8 working super-sets for bis and tris, not too much not to little, just right:

2 s/s alternating dumbell curls /w lying triceps extensions
3 s/s preacher curls /w pushdowns
3 s/s seated hammer curls /w seated 1-arm extensions

Monday, April 16, 2012

Good workout, good pump, Cardio, posing, 300g protein, 300g carbs, 50g fat- 3000 calories....another day in the office.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sat., Ap. 14, 2012, 7 Weeks Out!

LEGS today! Today is also the very day that 5 years ago I became the second teenager to win the NPC North Carolina State Championships (Saturday, April 14, 2007.)
My waist is down to 29 3/4" at 178lb (same waist measure at 1 pound heavier than I was 7weeks out from the World Championships....Right on)
Killer leg workout this morning....just about puked:
Few minutes warm up on stationary bike and light leg curls and leg extensions
Squats: 45-20; 135-10; 225-10; 315-10; 365-10; 365-10
Leg press: 450-15; 720-10; 900-9
Leg curl: 90-22,12,9   super set w/ leg extensions: 120-20,12,9 --no rest
Standing leg curls: 90-6; 60-9
Alternating lunges: 95-7
20minutes treadmill

Friday the 13th, April, 2012, Rest


Meal 1:  5oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal
Meal 2: Whey protein and glutamine; 1cup oatmeal
Meal 3: 5oz chicken breast; white potato; banana
Meal 4: 5oz chicken breast; sweet potato
Meal 5: 5oz chicken breast; 1cup wild rice; asparagus
Meal 6: 5oz chicken breast

Friday, April 13, 2012

Thur., April 12, 2012, Shoulders/ Calves

Killer delt pump this morning. I had a separate workout for calves this afternoon. I intended on doing more volume, but I struggle with over doing my calves because they are such a weak piont for me. I started feeling a little ding in my left calf and called it a day. But I still got a good pump.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wed., Ap. 11, 2012, Arms

I had an excellent arm workout this morning. Proof that  you cannot always "listen to your body," because if I had this morning, I would have left the gym as soon as I finished with my clients and gone to bed! But Alas: "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment."  and "Discipline, not motivation, is neccessary to achieve what you want to achieve." To be a champion one must live in the moment and do what is neccessary for success.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tue., Ap. 10, 2012, Back

Got an excellent back workout this morning: rows, T-bars, wide pulldowns, close underhand pulldowns, and hyper-extensions; abs w/ hanging leg raises, bosu crunches, torso twists, and vaccuums; 20 minutes stepmill; 20 minutes posing....that'll do.

Mon., April 9, 2012, Chest

I had a great chest workout today. I am definitely getting my strength back.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sun., 4/ 09/ 12, REST (happy Easter)

8am- 5oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal; 1tsp honey; 1/4cup raisins
10:30- 5oz chicken breast; sweet potato; apple
1:30- 5oz chicken breast; 1c grits; banana
3:30- 5oz chicken breast; sweet potato; apple
6:30- 8oz pork loin; potato; squash; sweet potato; orange (happy Easter)
10:15- 5oz chicken breast

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I'm definitely a little weaker after haveing been sick. I did get a GREAT leg workout in though. Still not maximum intensity, but an excellent workout:
Warm up  on stationary bike; light leg extensions and leg curls
Squats: 45lb 20reps; 135-8; 225-6; 315-4; 365-12
Leg press: 450-15; 630-12; 840-8
Lying Leg curl:90-15/leg ex:120-20/seated leg curl:120-11/leg ex:90-20/lying leg curl:90-8/leg ex:90-15/seated leg curl:120-5+3+2      (no rest)
Alternating Lunges: 95-13

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fri., April 6, 2012, Shoulders

I had an excellent shoulder workout this morning:
3 working sets of seated db presses
3 sets of db laterals
3 sets of machine rear laterals
3 sets of hammer strength shoulder presses
3 sets of barbell shrugs
1 set of alternating db front raises

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5, 2012, Arms

Got my arms, cardio and abs all in early this morning. It was a great workout. I'm keeping the intensity lower than usual this week (only a few sets to all out failure) having been sick last week.

Here is what I ate:

5:45am- 6oz chicken breast; 1cup oatmeal; 1 apple
8:15(post workout)-40g whey isolate
9:45-6oz chicken breast; 100g sweet potato; 1 orange; shaklee electrolyte drink
12- 6oz chicken breast; 1cup grits; 1 apple
3-6oz chicken breast; 1cup grits; 2oz peanuts
5:30- 7oz chicken breast; 1cup corn
7:30- 6oz chicken breast

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tue., April 3, 2012, Back

Got a great pump in my back this afternoon. Here is my workout:
bent over rows: 45 lb. 30reps; 95- 25; 135- 12; 185- 12; 225- 10, 6
wide- pull-ups: 8, 8, 7
T-bar rows: 90- 15; 135- 8; 180-3(sad); 90- 13
close- under hand pulldowns: 195-10;195-9;180-8 super-set(no rest) w/ behind-neck-wide pulldowns:135 -6; 120-6; 105-7
Hanging leg raises: 20;20;20 + 50 crunches
Immediately drank 60g whey isolate and did 20 minutes on the stepmill.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Mon., Ap. 2, 2012, Chest

I'm feeling good today. Got a good workout in this morning: started with calves, burned them out; then hit chest, excellant pump; immediately jumped on the stepmill for 20 minutes; and finished it off with abs. I still have 20 minutes of posing ahead of me which I will do at about 3pm, and boom another day of training!...that much closer.

Sunday, April 1, 2012, The Flu

I had a stomach bug for 5 days. I was unable to train or eat much. Lost 5 pounds. But I survived. Did my 1st workout: Legs. Took it pretty easy, not to crazy.  Energy level was low.
It's a little discouraging to lose ground 9 weeks away from the Mr America contest, but I'm standing on Romans 8:28- And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.