Saturday, July 21, 2012

SAT., JULY 21, 2012, REST DAY

Today I chilled. The last few days have been a little crasy, involving car wrecks and hospitals such. Everybody's healthy, happly and mostly whole, don't worry. But we chilled today. We went to see the latest Batman movie and went out for ice cream. Stay tuned for the real work coming on Monday.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mon., July 16, 2012, chest/tris

Killer pump this morning! Here's the workout:

Incline dumbell press: 30's-20; 50's-15; 70's-15; 85's-15,7
Incline hammer strength: 90-15; 140-15; 180-9
Flat dumbell press: 65's-15, 13, 10
Dips: 15, 15, 15
Rope pushdowns: 60-15; 80-15; 100-9+3+3
Seated 1-arm tri extension: 30-15, 8, 6(no rest) + 1set of pushdowns

I rested 1 minute between sets, it was a good workout.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Mr. Universe Contest

I just got back to the US. I'm glad to be home. The contest was awesome! I came in second behind an incredible Martin Daniels. I now go on to off season.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Shoulders and calves are my weakest points, so I did them today (the last day of depletion and lowest carb day)with high volume. Not as crasy intense as usual, more high rep to deplete the glycogen stores so that they will "super compensate" and hopefully really fill up when I start the carb load tommorrow. Here is the workout:
seated dumbell press: 20's-20; 35's-15; 50's-15; 65's-15; 50's-12
laterals: 15's-15; 20's-15; 25's-15; 30's-12,11
incline rear laterals: 25's-15;30's-12,12,9
hammer strength press: 90-15; 140-15; 180-8,8;90-15
barbell shrugs: bar-15; 95-15; 135-15; 185-15; 225-15; 275-10; 325-8
alternating dumbell fronts: 20's-15; 25's-15; 30's-12
I then drank a protein drink and did 30minutes on the treadmill
This afternoon:
seated calf: 50-20; 90-15,15,15,15,15;140-12,10,12,12;90-15,15
smith machine calf: 90-20; 180-15; 270-15; 180-15,15
calf press: 270-15; 360-15,13,14
+20minutes stairmaster

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thur., June 14, 2012, Arms

I got a great arm pump this afternoon. I'm looking tighter. I've been cycling carbs up and down since the pro american, but keeping them lower than I normally do on a diet. AND I CAN FEEL IT. I barely have energy to walk across the room. So I have definitely accomplished my goal (to fully deplete the glycogen stores.) I have 1 more day of depleting then I begin my carb loading, which won't be anything extreme. I plan to return carbs to normal on Sat, bump them a little on sun and mon, and return to normal on tue and depending on condition probably decrease a little through the end of the week.  That's the plan.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mon., June 11, 2012, 12 Days Out

workout 1 (6:45am)
7supersets of curls with lying triceps
5supersets of hammer curls with 1 arm extensions
4supersets of preacher curls with 1 arm reverse grip pushdowns
20min treadmill
20min posing
(9:30am)20 min stair master
workout 2(3pm)
7sets of lateral raises
3sets of arnold presses
4sets of bent rear laterals
3sets of seated dumbell presses
4sets of seated dumbell shrugs
3sets of alternating dumbell front raises
Another day in the office

Sunday, June 10, 2012


High Volume Today: 20 minute walk upon waking; Back and ab training this morning; 20minute treadmill after weights; chest this afternoon; 20minutes posing after weights...just a little closer to it.